Welcome to Australian Retirement Trust

We're one of Australia's largest super funds and proud to take care of $300 billion in retirement savings for close to 2.4 million Australians.

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Welcome to BlueScope Super

Your employer has entrusted Australian Retirement Trust as the super fund for its employees for good reason.

Australian Retirement Trust is one of Australia’s largest super funds. Close to 2.4 million Australians trust us to take care of over $300 billion of their retirement savings.

We’re here to help you retire well with confidence, focused on strong long-term investment returns, lower fees and the information and access to advice you need to manage your super and retirement.

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NEW Micro-learning modules

Our new library of quick videos to help manage your super is now available. The more you know, the more you can take charge of your financial future.

Learn more

Educational videos

We've developed some videos to help you get the most from your super.

55% of Australians aren't sure they'll have enough super by the time they retire.1

Join Australian Retirement Trust’s seminar to gain some useful insights into understanding how you are tracking.

This seminar will explore:
• How much super you might currently have versus how much super you should have at your age
• How much super you are on track to have at retirement versus how much you could have at retirement

1ART Financial Wellbeing Index 2024. Survey of 1,000 Australians, carried out by IPSOS on behalf of Australian Retirement Trust from September to November 2023.



Are you on track to have a comfortable lifestyle in retirement? For members of BlueScope Super, approximately 57% of males and 46% of females aged between 25-44 are on track to reach the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia Ltd (ASFA) comfortable retirement lifestyle.*

*Based on ASFA Super Balance Detective calculator using BlueScope Super member balances (excluding zero and nil balances) as at 30 June 2024. See superguru.com.au/calculator/super-detective for important information and assumptions.



This webinar discusses how Australian Retirement Trust invests your super, the performance of the investments and important considerations for you to make when investing.



If you’re interested in finding out about how to financially prepare should something unexpected happen to you, this webinar covers:

  • The benefits of insurance through super
  • Types of insurance cover available through super
  • How much insurance cover is necessary
  • The importance of nominating beneficiaries
  • Tax considerations for beneficiaries



The importance of Nominating a Beneficiary on your superannuation account.



Your Plan

The information and documents contained on this site are unique to your Australian Retirement Trust plan.

However some links may take you to the Australian Retirement Trust public site which contains general information that may be relevant to you but does not take into consideration your plan-specific arrangements.

 Important update
This important update applies to Super Savings – Corporate Product Disclosure Statements for Accumulation Account issued between 1 July 2024 and 31 October 2024
Super Savings – Corporate Product Disclosure Statement for Accumulation Account [pdf, 1.5MB]
A summary of the significant information you need about your Super Savings – Corporate account, including standard insurance and fees.
Super Savings – Corporate Insurance Guide [pdf, 560.1KB]
This guide details the standard and additional insurance available in your plan and the fees and costs that apply to your account.
Super Savings Accumulation Guide [pdf, 9.4MB]
Important information about how superannuation works (including Income accounts), and more details of the fees and costs that apply to your account.
Super Savings Investment Guide [pdf, 5.1MB]
Details of the investment option available to you, and information on determining your investor needs.
Cost of Product Factsheet [pdf, 611.7KB]
Important information about the annual fees and costs (“Cost of Product”) for each investment option available to you.
Target Market Determinations [pdf, 25.1KB]
Target Market Determinations
This page provides information about Target Market Determinations. It describes the target markets for which Australian Retirement Trust products have been designed, taking into consideration their likely objectives, financial situation and needs.
Membership application form [pdf, 1.5MB]
Use this form (at the back of the PDS) to apply for membership to BlueScope Super.
Transfer of insurance cover form [pdf, 285.4KB]
Use this form to transfer your current insurance cover to Australian Retirement Trust.
Change of insurance cover form [pdf, 341.1KB]
Use this form to change your level of insurance within the standard cover provided OR to apply for Additional insurance.
Binding death nomination [pdf, 313.2KB]
Use this form to make, change or cancel a binding death benefit nomination.
Personal health summary [pdf, 322.9KB]
Use this form to increase your insurance cover if your cover has been restricted to the Automatic Acceptance Limit (AAL).
Insurance variation form [pdf, 214.6KB]
Use this form to reduce or cancel your insurance cover.
Life Event Insurance options form [pdf, 172KB]

Use this form to apply for additional Death and Total & Permanent Disability cover at certain Life Events.

Consolidate your super form [pdf, 1.2MB]
Use this form to consolidate (rollover) your super from other accounts into your Australian Retirement Trust account. 
Why join ART? [pdf, 1.2MB]
A quick look at the benefits of joining BlueScope Super with Australian Retirement Trust.
Plan Benefits Flyer [pdf, 1.4MB]
A detailed outline of the features and benefits of BlueScope Super with Australian Retirement Trust.
Membership application form [pdf, 1.5MB]
Use this form (at the back of the PDS) to apply for membership to BlueScope Super.
BlueScope Super - Selecting Australian Retirement Trust [pdf, 166.4KB]
An allowable alternative to the ATO’s Standard Choice Form. Provide this form to your employer to choose BlueScope Super for your superannuation contributions.
ATO Superannuation Standard Choice form [pdf, 429.7KB]
The ATO’s standard choice form. Provide to your employer when electing or changing your choice of fund.
Australian Retirement Trust Retirement Fact Sheet [pdf, 205.5KB]

This fact sheet provides information to support and maximise your lifestyle in retirement.

Super rates and thresholds fact sheet [pdf, 200.2KB]

The Super rates and thresholds fact sheet provides information on the contribution caps and thresholds.

#1 performing super growth option

We're focused on growing your super over the long term. Our High Growth option delivered 9.58% p.a. over the 10 years to 31 December 2024 and we’ve outperformed the industry median over 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 years.1

Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. High Growth Option over 10 years to 31 December 2024. SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey – Growth (77-90) Category, 31 December 2024.1

1. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Source: SuperRatings Fund Crediting Rate Survey - SR50 Growth (77-90) Index and Growth (77-90) category, 31 December 2024. Returns are after investment fees and costs, transaction costs and investment taxes, but before administration fees. The High Growth option has identical investments to the High Growth Pool in the Lifecycle Investment Strategy. Individual returns may vary. The High Growth option commenced on 28 February 2022 and adopted the investment strategy of the pre-merger Sunsuper Growth option. To show the returns for the High Growth option, we have used returns for the Sunsuper option up to this date. Products issued by Australian Retirement Trust Pty Ltd (ABN 88 010 720 840, AFSL No. 228975) as trustee for Australian Retirement Trust (ABN 60 905 115 063). Consider the relevant product disclosure statements and TMDs before deciding.
Explore our investment options